Фишинг, теперь и в 3D
15.01.2012 от AndrewВот такое красиво оформленное письмо с не менее красивого почтового ящика Verified by Visa (за которым, кстати, скрывается красивейший адрес все ж таки с доменом Visa activations@verfiedbyvisa-usa.visa.com) получил сегодня утром:
Verified by Visa protects your existing Visa card , giving you assurance that only you can use your Visa card online.
Simply activate your card and make it protected. You’ll get the added confidence that your Visa card is safe when you shop at participating online stores.
You may activate now by entering your card number over our secure server. If your card issuer is participating in Verified by Visa (most issuers are) you’ll complete a brief activation process. You’ll verify your identity, create your Verified by Visa new protection and you’re done..
Кнопка Activate now ведет на неработающую ссылку http://www.wtcdentoren.be/usa.visa.com/index.html , а вот линк под словосочетанием secure server ведет на лаконичную, но симпатичную страничку сбора карточных данных. Все ссылки типа How it work ведут на реальные сервера Visa для картхолдеров.
Будьте осторожными и предупредите клиентов.
Рубрики: Банковские карты | 1 уже не сдержался »»»
23.02.2013 в 10:44
Dear American Express® customer
To protect the security of your account, American Express® ? employs some of the most advanced security systems in the world and our anti-fraud teams regularly screen the American Express® system for unusual activity.
We recently have determined that different computers have logged onto your American Express® account, and multiple password failures were present. We now need you to re-confirm your account information. If this is not completed we will be forced to suspend your account , as it may have been used for fraudulent purposes.
If the account information is not updated to current information within 3 days then, your access to bid or buy on American Express® will be restricted.
Visit the link below:
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure meant to help protect you and your account.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Thank you for your continued Card membership.
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ссылка ведет вот сюда http://www.opm-online.net/class/amex/secure.americanexpress.com.htm и вводя туфтовый логин\пароль, попадаешь сюда http://www.opm-online.net/class/amex/update.secure.americanexpress.com.php а если нажать зарегистрироваться, то кидает на честный сайт AmEx.